Relating With The Moon

Philip Stehlik
2 min readNov 21, 2020

Relating with the moon. Its cycles. The physical rock that’s hurtling around our planet. The moon cycle of women’s bodies. Shedding. Blood. Fertility. Womb cycles. Esoteric views on the moon. The moon, the emotional body, the shamanic. The lunar cycles for working with nature. Planting, gardening, harvesting. Aligning larger projects and their cycles with the moon’s coming and going.

Last Sunday, November 15th, was the new moon in Scorpio. Another lunar cycle went and started. It was also my birthday — one time around the sun. Two cycles were ending and beginning at the same time. How many times around the galactic center is that? Hahaha, not even close.

We held a new moon ritual that morning. Three of us staying up during the previous night. Working with the emotional body. Journeying through the forest to the riverbed. Sitting in trees. Listening to the darkness. Lighting a fire and holding vigil. Meditation during the new moon at 7 am. Releasing the last cycle. Calling in the next.

Sure, I’ve been part of moon rituals. Full moon. New moon. Fire. Dance. Meditation.
Sure, I received initiations into the women’s cycles and the power of the blood. The blood state. Drinking it. Giving it to the earth. Painting with it. Making potions. Received the gift of different flavors of the parts of the women’s body’s cycle.
Sure, I aligned work and creative projects with the moon. Planning, working on, and birthing/releasing with the lunar cycle.
Yet, I know so little about the entity “the moon”, the mysteries, and the blood.

I feel hesitancy about sharing this — fear of judgment (yeah, I am not above that), mostly from my female friends. Also by people who “know more about the moon” than I do. Parts of me are wondering if this is adequate research. Wondering if there’s something coming out of this journey. I feel the importance of male bodies doing this work. So I start here, with Philip. Maybe it’s a one-time thing.
Who knows?!
Who cares!?
There is no degree and no certificate at the end of this.
There’s no permission required for curiosity and experimentation to flourish.
In the end, initiation is self-initiation.

During this cycle, I am going deeper into my relationship with the moon. Its body. Its phases. The energies. The stories. The blood. I give thanks to the women who took/take me on this journey with them. I bow to the scientists and astronauts who research and brought humans up there to this rock and investigate it with sharp minds. Gratitude to the ancient wisdom about the moon and the mysteries that made it into our times.

🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘 🌑

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